

U.S. Senate

Here are some comments about the site that I have gotten from people. If you would like to leave a comment about the site just click CONTACT US, located at the left of your screen.

Monday, 14 March 2005 - 12:48 PM EST

Name: Keanu Rajcoomar

It looks good so far.

Your website has a lot of information from the web, and maybe out of it, which I find a good addition to any site, especially for research. This is based on a variety of topics on your address bar, which is even better!

Also I see that you have shown how to navigate through the site which may help visitors also. Very smart!


Monday, 14 March 2005 - 1:11 PM EST

Name: mamagoo

It looks pretty good Matt. on your blog you should have a link in the navigation back to your home page.....

your off to a good start, you may need more of your own material and maybe some commentary of your own on your site because the links have you have will take people away.

they are very intersting links and the research you did for them is a plus. and yes being I am of the same party as you I found your site and links interesting...LOL

and I am sure your blog will inspire you to have more on site news and articles and thoughts that you have.....

keep up the good work your off to a great start!


(c) 2005 mblog1